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Sampson Independent

The Sampson County Independent Newspaper ClintonNC News

Back on March 13, 1924, when the editor and publisher of the Sampson independent, W.W. Casteel, was able to produce the very first edition, he proved that he really was a supporter of his own publication, as ell as Sampson County market.  Casteel would continue on and build his newspaper through competition, as well as acquisition.  Wisely purchasing the entire subscribers list from two previous newspapers, the Sampson News Dispatch, which was founded in 1908, and the Sampson Democrat, which was founded in 1894.  Once he had his list of past subscribers from other newspapers, he would wisely create a contest to all subscribers of his very own newspaper, which would culminate in one of his subscribers having the opportunity to win a brand new Studebaker Six Special car, with an estimated worth of $1,624 (keep in mind that this price was the value of he car at the time, not at today’s market value).

Within just his first month, Casteel would report that he had much success reaching his circulation goals.  In fact, Casteel would do such a great job at getting subscribers, that on April 10, 1924, he would report that his newspaper’s subscriber count would exceed over 4,000, making it the largest weekly and semi-weekly circulation in all of North Carolina.

From the very first edition that came out in 1924, the Sampson Independent has helped promote a strong sense of business community throughout Sampson County.  Soon after his paper would become a success, Casteel would than push for Sampson County to start a local Chamber of Commerce.  By the year 1937, Casteel would see his efforts come to fruition, as the Sampson County Chamber would be officially born.

Over the years, the chamber, the Sampson Independent, and the county as a whole have all been able to grow together, working to grow and improve Sampson County.  Over the years, the Sampson Independent has been able to keep up with all of the technological advances and changes that have been necessary to maintain their standing as the number one source of information and news within the county.  Growing from a semi-weekly paper to a daily one in the 1960s, the Sampson Independent would also add color to their publications only a decade later.  

With everything being done online now, there are many different newspaper publications that have started to feel the effects of society’s involvement.  The Sampson Independent is not one of those publications, as they have continued to match technological advances stride for stride.  The Sampson Independent’s website is one of the few that not only delivers all of the news and information that you need to know, but does so by complementing their printed newspaper as well.  And what makes the website even better than many of the other ones out there, is the fact that the Sampson Independent updates any important information or breaking news throughout the day, meaning that you don’t have to worry about missing anything important.  The website can be viewed on any electronic device that includes, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

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